Lack of compliance of the environmental and ecology dispositions may derive in expensive penalties and potential criminal liabilities. Expert advice is strongly recommended to determine real estate projects feasibility and successful results.
Our team has the necessary experience and knowledge to provide comprehensive services on environmental, ecology and zoning matters. Our services, among other, include environmental due diligence; assistance in obtaining and compliance with all type of environmental permits, licenses, authorizations, and concessions; legal defense against authorities’ determinations, both before authorities and courts.
Solid Experience
Required to provide the best professional service to our Clients.
Comprehensive Services
We speak the language and understand the business culture of our Clients
Successful Results
We have the capacity and we are committed to providing solutions
Commitment and Excellence
In our services to meet the highest standards
Founding and Director Partner.
Ms. Lozano specializes in real estate law, including individual property, condominiums and developments; environmental; concession and permits of federal zone and land gained to the sea; agrarian, immigration; civil matters; mercantile matters; contracts; employment; patent and brands; corporate; contracts; dispute resolution and litigation.
Ms. Lozano is certified by the Supreme Court of Justice of the State of Guerrero as an expert translator and interpreter in English and Spanish languages.